Saturday, July 12, 2008

Masul @ Musik-Forum

Na quinta o Paul e o Thomas se apresentaram com o seu duo "Masul" na loja de discos do Gabor, a Musik-Forum.

On Thursday Paul and Thomas performed with their duo "Masul" at Gabor's record store, Musik-Forum

O Paul e seus amigos conversando após o show. Da esquerda para a direita: Irina, Beat, Paul, Marc e Gabor.

Paul and his friends hanging out after the show. From left to right: Irina, Beat, Paul, Marc and Gabor.

Marc e Gabor fazem com que a Irina se sinta beeeeem pequenininha!

Marc and Gabor make Irina feel reaaaaaally small!

Paul e Beat, que neste exato momento estão gravando alguma coisa em Lucerna.

Paul and Beat, who at this very moment are a recording something in Lucerne.

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